Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch:

Because of the many gophers on the Linns’ ranch, the coyotes from surrounding areas have been visiting regularly, with the result that the goats have been in danger.  Listen to the show to hear about Denise’s ingenious way to protect her goats!

Also, Ghandi, one of Denise’s goats (who is also known as Chewey), has taken to chewing on Denise’s hair.  The other goats have cottoned on to this habit, so Denise now has to tie her hair up when in the goats’ company!

Using your body for self-esteem

The way you hold yourself sends subconscious messages deep inside of you and those subconscious messages can be positive or negative.  Even if you have a negative self-image, you can use your body to shift out of it – if you do it on a continuous basis, it can permanently shift you out of that place.

How do you do this?

· Imagine a time when you felt really confident.  If you can’t think of such a time, imagine that you do, in the future, feel really confident.  As you get that image, how do you hold your body?  How do you hold your shoulders?  How do you breathe?  How do you speak?  How do you hold your chin, or your forehead?  How do you stand or sit?
· As an exercise, you can compare 2 positions:  first put your head down, slump in your chair and take shallow breaths – notice how you feel.  Now get into the next position:  shoulders back, arms above your head, look up and smile, and take deep breaths.  Notice the difference in how you feel now.  In the latter position, it is impossible to feel like a “loser”.
· You can change your emotional state simply by using your body.
· For the next 7 days, shift your position – stand as if you were confident, as if you were a strong, radiant person; stand as if nothing anyone says could hurt you.  As you do this again and again, it becomes a habit.  As these messages continue to flood into your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind starts to believe them.

Other ways to use your body to increase confidence and self-esteem

· Find out who you want to be.  What kind of person do you want to be (a peaceful person/a wise person/an uplifting or joyful person) and what type of energy do you want to project to the world?  Get clear on that and adjust your body so that this is who you become.
· Eg.  if you want to be a peaceful person, imagine the way in which a peaceful person would hold their body.  How would they walk/move/breathe?  Now adjust your body until you get into that exact position and feel it – you’re anchoring that feeling into that position.  As you move your body into that position again and again, you reinforce that you are a peaceful person.  It’s simply a matter of shifting your identity.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“The way you hold yourself sends subconscious messages deep inside of you.”

A reminder to join the fun:

Denise has an additional Facebook page called:  Fabulous fun, funky factoids – join the Fun Factoid Family and share some fun factoids if you know some!!

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