Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Friday, September 2, 2011


What is Space Clearing and what is its purpose?

Space Clearing is a term coined by Denise.  Space clearing is through ceremony and ritual with intentionality, shifting, clearing, opening and relieving blockages into space – energy blockages.  In ancient times, every culture did space clearing because it worked.  They’d do it before a ceremony or after something challenging, eg. a death, a battle, a sickness,  coming back from battle.

Denise has trained in space clearing with the Native Americans (she has a Native American heritage), the Maoris, the Aboriginis, the Zulus, in Hong Kong, Japanese techniques, Estonian techniques, ancient Hawaiian techniques.  The bottom line for space clearing is that it works!  If you want to shift the energy around your life and need help with abundance/prosperity or something in your life that’s not working for you, use space clearing.

Steps for space clearing in terms of prosperity:

There could be residual poverty energy.  If you have a poverty consciousness, you’re also creating poverty energy.  Clear out the old because if you step back into the old energy in your home, that energy starts to influence you and pull you down even if your mindset is positive.

  1. Clutter clear the space as much as possible – start with one room, your bedroom. If you have little time, clear one room.  Then clean it with intentionality eg. clean the windows with the intention: “I’m letting more light into my heart; I’m allowing the light of the Creator to illuminate the light in my heart so that I can create more abundance and love more deeply”.
  2. Do Feng Shui – create spaces that feel abundant and you will have more abundance.
  3. Think:  what is my intention?  Why am I doing this?  Get clear on your intention – write it down, figure it out, focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
  4. Decide what tools you’re going to use for your space clearing.   Traditionally, people used what they had around them.eg.  Aboriginis used Quick Sticks, Native Americans used drums, in China/Asia they used knives.  Use scarves, herbs (such as sage), incense, aromatherapy essential oils, flower essences, crystals, bells, gongs, chimes, tuning forks or fire.  The tool that will work best is the one you love.  If you have nothing, use your hands – you have a tool wherever you go, you can clap your hands and it will shift energy.   You don’t need many tools, you only need one.  And it doesn’t matter what tool it is, what matters is the connection and the love – any tool can work if you love it.
  5. Clean your tools eg.  wash your hands, cleanse your gong/bell, put your crystal in sunlight to cleanse it, beat your drum with the intention that you’re cleansing it.  Take time to honour your tool and don’t put it in the clutter drawer!  Name your tool, as they did in ancient traditions.
  6. Cleanse yourself – some have clothes just for space clearing, clean your body, wash your hair if possible, have clean clothes.
  7. Go into the room.  Have a tray that you put your tool on, perhaps with a beautiful cloth on it or a beautiful candle on it.  Make the tray into an altar eg.  put your bell on it with a candle and cloth.  Put it in a place of honour in the room.  Stand at the entrance of the room (the most prominent door if there are 2 doors) because this is where qi flows in from.  Stand still and get a sense of the energy – assess it:  what does it feel like?  Program yourself:  “I am now assessing this energy.”
  8. Be open to spiritual assistance – eg.  “God, angels, spirit guides, ancestors, totem animals, spirit of the house:  I ask for your help.”  As you put the prayer out there, help arrives and you’ll feel it.  Then pick up your tool and go clockwise (or the way that feels best) and go around the circumference of the room.  Qi moves like water – if you go around the outside, you will spiral the energy the same way you spiral water ie.  The outside/circumference will influence the inside.  Pay particular attention to the corners – debris/stagnant energy dwells in the corners.  Put an arm out and if it feels heavy, the energy is dense and you can ring the bell.  If you ring the bell and the sound is muted or colours are muted or corners are not sharp, it usually means stagnant energy.  Ring the bell so that the colours are brighter, corners are sharper and crystal clear, and so that you can breathe.  Continue around the room ringing the bell.   If you get ahead of yourself, stop, breathe, centre yourself and tune in.  Then ring the bell.  Even if you can’t feel the energy, have the intention that this bell is clearing, cleansing and opening the energy, and so it will be.  Continue to the point where you started, and at that point, make a figure “8”, the sign of infinity with your tool, to seal off the room – it seals off that cleansing cycle. 
  9. You then go around the room a 2nd time – the 1st time was to cleanse the old, the 2nd time is a blessing to invite new energy in.  Start at the door or in the East of the room.  Ask for blessings for the space eg.  “Creator, I ask that more abundance and prosperity flow into my life and the lives of my loved ones/others.  And I thank you for all that is given.”  Coming from a place of humble gratitude is important. Then go around with the bell and this time with the intention of calling blessings; being the blessing.  If you get ahead of yourself, stop and centre yourself.  At the end of this, use your tool and make a figure “8” to seal off the blessing. 
  10. Then be still and immerse yourself in that place of gratitude (as if the results have already happened).  You will find that the blockages will melt away.  Go to Denise’s website for more info http://www.deniselinn.com/ (her book is called:  Space Clearing A to Z).
  11. If you’re using your hands as tools, you can clap to clear the old energy in the corners until the clapping sounds clear, and you can also clap to call blessings.
Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“If you clear one blockage, it helps every aspect of your life.”

“Where intention goes, energy flows.”

“It’s not the tools that clear the space, it’s your intention!”

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