Pepper, Denise’s dog, had emergency surgery. Denise thanks her Facebook peeps for their support and love.
What is Feng Shui and how does it relate to abundance?
· Denise is the founder of the largest feng shui institute in the U.S. Go to her website ( for details.
· Feng Shui itself will not give you abundance – it strengthens your energy field, it activates your energy field and allows you to have a stronger qi (pronounced “chee”) or life force - a stronger energy that will make it easier to manifest abundance.
2 Rules for Feng Shui :
· If it feels good, it’s probably good Feng Shui.
· If it feels bad, it’s probably bad Feng Shui (similarly, if it feels abundant, it’s probably abundant Feng Shui)
Key points for Clutter Clearing using Feng Shui
· When you clutter clear using Feng Shui, you want to clutter clear anything to do with finances eg. boxes of old bills & tax returns – take photos of them if you need them.
· Look at where your money comes from – if you make money through your computer, make sure all the space around your computer is clutter clear. If you make money through your phone, the principle is the same. Wherever you make money, make sure it’s clutter clear.
· Definition of clutter: If you do not use it, you do not love it – chances are it’s clutter.
· Clutter clear your home so that life force. energy (qi) flows through your home.
3 Key points for feng shui-ing your home:
- Auspicious front door
· When you walk up to your front door, it should feel good, clean, beautiful and inviting eg. door shouldn’t be squeaky or blocked by shrubbery.
· The first thing you see when you open your front door is important – it sets a template for the whole home.
· Your home is an outer manifestation of your inner energy – your home should feel safe, secure, abundant and loving, a sanctuary/haven. Then you want to tweak it in the direction of your desires eg. if you focus on abundance, create a space that feels abundant
· Notice the first thing that gets your attention when you enter your home (eg. even a smell, sound, etc.)
· Regarding finances: if you open your front door and can see out of the back door, this isn’t good – finances can come…but they can also leave. You want the house to contain, to hold energy (See 2. for ideas about what to do)
- Expanse in front
· You want to have an expanse in front so that you feel expansive
· In feng shui, it’s not what is real, it’s what is perceived, so you can even create an illusion by putting something inside your door/on your door that has a long view eg. a scene from a mountain looking down into a valley
3. Mountain in back
· This is just as important as the front door.
· At the back of the home, there should be something that’s supportive
· Eg of this in daily life: executive at office may have high chair or picture of mountain behind her, or at a restaurant, you’d probably rather sit with the wall behind you than the expanse of the restaurant behind you. We like to have that feeling of protection behind us.
· Regarding Finances: that mountain will give you a stability and “groundedness” for your finances. At the back of your house, you want a mountain (support) not a ravine or swimming pool, etc.
Representations of Abundance
· Water represents abundance – put in water features, paintings of water, aquariums (8 or 9 fish – 8 or 9 representing abundance).
· Sailing ship ornament in house (make sure sails are up –this symbolizes the abundance that the ship has gathered over time is coming into shore).
· Wallet – symbolic of abundance. Clear it out, and also put abundance affirmations in it
This is the energy map of the home; every area of the home represents a different aspect of life. It works!
NB: It’s not the system as much as your belief in it
1. Three door gate – When facing your home, always look at the farthest left hand corner area. This is your abundance area. (also farthest left hand corner of any room when facing into a room) To do any “cures”, that’s the place to do something eg. put a fountain/picture of waterfall/anything that feels abundant to you.
- Compass school – South east corner area of your home/every room in your home is abundant.
Tips for Feng Shui of your home
NB If you have lots of abundance flowing into your life, do not change anything.
· You may want to have one room in your home that feels abundant to you – as you feel it, it’s so much easier to create it. It could be your bedroom – see what feels abundant to you (you don’t need to spend a lot, use your creativity – look at garage sales etc.)
· Your bathroom – pay particular attention to it: Keep bathroom door closed and toilet seat closed if possible. Make your bathroom feel as abundant as possible eg. put candles in/ new coat of paint etc.
· Remember the farthest south east corner/farthest left hand corner of every room for abundance.
· The Stove (direct correlation between stove and abundance). Put mirror behind burners – it doubles the number of burners (NB: it is not what is real; it’s what is perceived)
Keep the burners clean and have the intention that: “I’m creating the space for more abundance to flow into me”.
· If you have plants in your abundance area, when watering – affirm: “As I water this plant, more abundance flows into me”.
· When you buy a home: find out why person is selling this home eg. if person is doing well and wants to expand, the home has good feng shui. If person is selling because of financial troubles, if possible, don’t choose that home.
· Any object that was previously owned by an abundant person (in any form – abundance in heart/finances/generosity/etc.) – having that object activates that abundance into your energy field. Eg. going into a high-end business and taking a vial of water from their bathroom, then watering a plant in your abundance area and holding the intention: “I’m bringing more abundance into my life and the lives of my family. The more I have the more I can give. I’m receiving abundance.”
Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:
“Spiritual seeds are planted in the fertile soil of your soul and these will take root. They will branch and they will bear fruit – fruit of abundance and prosperity.”
“As you feel abundant, that feeling of abundance will soak inside of you and shift your vibration.”
“There is always a cure; a way to shift and change bad Feng Shui.”
NB: Use affirmations with Feng Shui