Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Friday, December 16, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

It’s been raining at Summerhill Ranch and Denise’s four-legged family members somehow seem to think that she caused the rain – as a result, they weren’t very friendly towards her when she went out to greet them!  And Denise’s dog Sadie has taken to chasing coyotes!

Clouds throughout history

Throughout history, Shamans, medicine men and women, visionaries and prophets all looked to the clouds for messages.  Angels are often associated with clouds and even in the Bible there is evidence of this.  So it is in our collective consciousness that there are spiritual beings communing with us through clouds.  In modern times too, people have received messages through clouds.  At every moment, the Universe is whispering to you, giving you messages and signs – it’s simply a matter of learning to decipher those signs.

Why do messages come in clouds?

  1. Your guides, spiritual beings, angels, ancestors – because of the nebulous nature of clouds, it’s a lot easier to impact clouds and “move them around” to give you a message – clouds are not dense and heavy like most matter on earth.
  2. It’s easier for our inner knowing to project onto the clouds – we see images and symbols that can allow us to tap in more readily.  These images are what our inner wisdom/our subconscious/our higher self projects onto the clouds.

How to get messages from clouds

  1. If the weather is not suitable, you don’t have to go outside to get messages from clouds, you can look at them through the window.  If it is possible, go outside and get really still.  Imagine that your thoughts are clouds and those thoughts are drifting and floating – just allow the thoughts to flow and allow your breath to deepen.  Get into that quiet place.
  2. Ask a question.  The way you phrase questions is very important – do not ask a yes or no question, ask an open-ended question.  Also, ask a question that is specific eg.  is this new job the best for me?  What energy will I find in this new relationship?
  3. Hold that question in your heart and mind, focusing on it but allowing your thoughts just to drift and not being attached to any answer.
  4. Let your eyes get “lazy” – similar to the time just before you drift off to sleep.  Look around, but not looking at anything specifically.  Look at the clouds, just watching them.  As you do this and as you continue to take deep breaths and go deeper into yourself, allow your imagination to run. 
  5. At this point, you’ve put the question into the cosmos and you’re not thinking about the question.  You’re looking at the clouds, just asking yourself:  what does it look like?  What is it similar to?  Take into consideration the colour, shape and speed of the clouds.
  6. Then ask yourself:  what does it feel like?  Just scan your emotional self and ask yourself what emotion you’re feeling – that can be a good clue as to what the message is.
  7. Also scan yourself physically:  What is your body experiencing?  Your body is registering the messages and trying to tell us something.
  8. Look at what memories are coming up for you.  What associations are coming up for you?  The words or images that come up will have unique associations based on your experiences eg.  the word “dragon” might represent magic for one person, fear for another and a memory of someone “draggin” them for a 3rd person.
  9. As you look at the clouds, ask:  If I knew what the message was, what could it be?
  10. Another method is:  with pen and paper, assign meanings to the different kinds of cloud formations eg.  when I see a circular cloud, this means love (or whatever you decide it should mean).  Get a list of different cloud formations from the internet, print the list and write the meanings next to each formation if you like.  In this way, you’re programming yourself for meaning.  
  11. Always capture/write down the messages – it may have meaning for you, even at a later stage.

How to connect to the energy of clouds:

· Get into a very relaxed state and imagine that you’re a cloud – you’re floating over the planet with the hills and valleys below and the sun above.  Feel and be as a cloud.  You’re entering into cloud consciousness and this will make it much easier for those messages to come.
· You can also do cloud boring – this is a way to practise and deepen your ability to project and focus energy.  This is a technique which is better to do outside:  If there is a large cloud, imagine you’re a beam.  The beam can come from the center of your heart.  This beam of light is moving out of your 3rd eye and is moving through the cloud and boring a hole through the cloud.  You can do this in a group and notice the speed with which you can bore a hole through the cloud.  Clouds don’t mind this.
· Another technique is that if you see a little cloud, a cloud just forming, you can embrace that cloud with your consciousness.  It’s not uncommon for the cloud to get bigger when you do this, and it moves and shifts and changes.  Those messages, the ones that start with almost nothing and grow really quickly, are very potent.
· Even if it is overcast, there are still subtle shades in the clouds and you can still get messages.  If you live in a place where you don’t see clouds, there are many other ways to get messages – insects, stones, trees, etc.

Additional Info:

· Your loved ones who have passed on can communicate you through clouds.
·  Often there will be one particular sign that Spirit or your guides have with you to let you know that they’re there.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“Start working with cloud energy.  There is consciousness in all things and as you connect to the energy of the clouds, the clouds are more likely to give you messages.”


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise just arrived back from Tampa Florida where she was speaking and she was really excited to connect with many of the people who listen to her show.  Mork, her resident rooster, missed her terribly.   Denise also discovered that her “dream self” has a different personality to her!!!

The messages of wild animals

· Listen to the messages that the Universe is giving you.  Wild animals have messages too.
· In native and ancient cultures worldwide, people had an animal totem or ally – all these cultures understood the power of having a particular animal that was aligned with your soul. 
· Much as we have guardian angels, people in native cultures knew the importance of working with their power animals (their own unique animal).  Power animals can’t be compared to angels or Spirit guides since they have their own unique messages and activate different qualities within you.
· If you don’t know what your power animal is, research it and find yours since your power animal can open up a vast universe of awareness that is not available without them.

Why have an animal totem?

· Animal totems connect you more intimately with the ancient wisdom of the earth – this is a different kind of wisdom to that which angels connect you to. 
· Your animal totem will also activate qualities within you.  You’ll have a main animal totem, but sometimes another animal totem will also come to activate a quality for a particular time – so you may have more than one animal totem. 
· The more you communicate with that particular animal, the more you connect with that animal and the more those particular qualities begin to grow within you.

How to find your power/Spirit animal/animal totem

· While you can choose a Spirit animal and this does work, rather let your animal find you – let yourself be chosen. 
· You can do this by watching the messages and watching your dreams.  Watch the coincidental synchronicities around you, the conversations people are having, what you hear on the radio, the billboards you see, the license plates you see.
· When a message appears 3 times, it’s a good sign that you have found your Spirit animal.

Connecting with and gaining messages from your Spirit animal/animal totem

· Once you know what your animal totem is, spend time in meditation communicating with that animal, connecting with it, honouring with it – if you have an altar, put a picture or statue of that animal on it to deepen the connection with your Spirit animal.
· Do research about your animal.  Find out how they react in nature.  Denise recommends Ted Andrews’ books (eg.  Animals Speak).  However, there is no one meaning for an animal – the meaning is what you feel is true for you.  Eg.  Horse can represent freedom to one person, but beauty to another.
· To find your particular message, look at how the animal reacts in nature – eg.  if your Spirit animal is a bear, and you know that bears hibernate, then it may be indicative of the fact that you need to take time to go within.
· Contribute in some way to that animal eg.  give to a cause that supports your particular animal in some way.  This deepens the connection between you and your Spirit animal.
· Another way to gain messages from animals is to watch them in nature.  When you focus on doing this, the messages cascade in.  As you slow down and begin to observe animals in nature, messages from Spirit will start filtering through.  Be aware if there are unusual animals that come into your life (animals that aren’t usually in your area).
· If you’re in the city, wild animals can come to you in unusual ways eg. billboards, radio, inner journeys and dreams.
· Also be aware if animals around you are acting in an unusual way.
· Be still for a moment, perhaps close your eyes and imagine that the animal was talking to you, and ask:  if this animal had a message for me, what could it be?  You can do this even if it’s an animal on a billboard, because it’s an energy.  Trust those flashes that come to mind.  Thank your mind for the help, and even if you think that you’re making these thoughts up, go to that original flash – this is your gut response and there is a message.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“Once you open your heart and soul for your Spirit animal to come, the messages will cascade in.” 

Saturday, November 26, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise has been to conferences in the past few weeks.  She had the opportunity to speak to Anita Morijani (who had a near-death experience) at one conference and at another, she spoke to Michael Moratana who also had a near-death experience and during this time, even rigor mortis had set in!!  Both these people (and other people that Denise met) confirmed what Denise knew from her own near-death experience many years ago:  we don’t need to live in fear; all we’re required to do is to love – love ourselves, each other and God.  It’s okay to feel joy – we don’t have to suffer to grow. 

The Power of stones through the ages:

· Every single stone has come from the earth.  Every single stone on an energy level, connects with the entire planet; every stone is a part of this vast energy network.
· Simply holding the stone connects you to the great network – Mother Earth
· Stones are like vortexes, but also like magnifiers.  They concentrate the earth’s energy, but they also radiate the earth’s energy – each stone does this in its own unique way.  And each stone interfaces with our energy in its unique way.
· Throughout time, from the earliest days of humanity, human beings have revered stones.  Stones were carved into objects, animals and religious symbols, allowing for an interfacing between this realm and the next realm.
· Stones are also very practical – they were used as weapons, for carving, for arrows when sharpened.  Native Americans used them in a sweat lodge – when heated, you could feel the energy of each stone; each stone had a consciousness.
· They’ve also been used for childbirth, and for protection.  Moonstones were used to incite psychic awareness.  Amethyst was used for calming tempers and was thought to help drunkenness!  Green mica was used for abundance and prosperity.  Rose quartz was used to draw love.  Each stone was given a particular meaning because of the particular vibration.
· Today we can still access that information; that wisdom; that vitality that these stones bring.

3 Things to do to create “magic” in your world using stones to bring forth energy and messages:

· When you pick your stone, hold it and you need to know what your intention is, because your stone becomes your magnifier.  Ask:  what do I desire?  Perhaps your intention is to ignite more love in your life, or to activate healing.
· Have a passion, an energy  that combines with your intention - that creates an energy that activates the stone, and the stone can magnify that out into the Universe.
· Focus – eg.  if you want to activate your healing energy, see yourself working as a healer; see that intention flowing out through you to your clients, see your clients’ gain so much from this.

Cleansing your stone:

Before doing the above, cleanse your stone (do this periodically) in one of the following ways:
· You can cleanse your stone in flowing water, eg. a stream/the sea/running water if you have access to flowing water and if your stone is hard enough to be cleansed this way.
· You can burn insence or sage and cleanse your stone with it.
· You can also put your stone out in the sunlight or moonlight for cleansing or especially where the dew drops can form on that stone.

Charging your stone:

· Next, you’ll want to charge your stone.  Put it on your altar or that place in your home that is the intersection between the energy above and the energy below – that place where you focus on connecting with Spirit.
· You could also hold that stone to your 3rd eye and hold the intent that you’re charging it with your prayers and your love.
· You can also dedicate your stone to something – as you hold it to your 3rd eye or to your heart, say:  I dedicate you to love; I dedicate you to healing; I dedicate you to opening your spiritual path before me; I dedicate you to helping me make a difference in the world.  You can reset the dedication if you like.

How do you tell the energy of your stone:

The best way is to hold it, tune in and ask:  what is your energy?  Colour, shape and hardness of stone is tied into its energy.

Colour of stones:

· Red stone, eg. ruby, red jasper, red eggert, garnet – has been used for passion, energy, birth, transformation, activation of energy.  If you feel sluggish, stagnant or can’t seem to get ahead, get a red stone and dedicate it to energy and vitality – it’s also connected with your 1st chakra.  If you want to activate your love life or sexuality, get a red stone.
· Pink stones, eg. rose quartz, pink tourmaline, pink calcite etc. – represented love, friendship, peace, joy, relationships, family.  Cleanse, charge,dedicate it for example to bringing your family together even more and put it on your altar.
· Orange stones, eg. amber, carnelium, citrine, tiger eye – represent community, energy, growth, power.  They’re a way of activating joy and bringing people together.
· (For more info about the colours of stones and chakras and how they relate, go to http://www.deniselinn.com/ and go to the “chakra portals”.)
· Yellow stones, eg.  yellow tourmaline, topaz, florite – they can represent communication, clarity, focus.  If you need to activate your mental capacity, or have clear communication then get a yellow stone
· Green stones, eg.  jade, aventurine, emeralds, green tourmaline – they represent growth, prosperity, grounding, health, fertility, healing anything in life.  Business transactions have all been associated with green.  Green is also the balance between the warmer colours and the cooler colours – used for balancing.
· Blue stones, eg. aquamarine, blue quartz, blue tourmaline, turquoise, sapphire – they represent peace, purification, communication.  It’s a very relaxing, internal activating of the spiritual connection stone.
· Purple stones, eg.  amethyst – this can activate spirituality and mysticism, activating intuition - your 3rd eye.  It can allow you to catapult back into past lives.
· Black stones, eg. smoky quartz, jet, obsidian, patchy piers – good for grounding and protection, consolidate your own energy field when you’re absorbing everyone else’s energy fields.
· White stones, eg. limestones, pearls (which are made of calcite and methatite) – they’re expansive.  If you want to reach into the heavens and expand your energy field, get a white stone.
· Clear stones, eg. crystals – they can be used for anything depending on how you program them.  Cleanse your crystals periodically since they will absorb energy because of their clarity.
· Some stones have many different colours and so contain the qualities of each of those colours.
· NB:  For abundance:  green mica is excellent, any green stone, clear quartz.  When not being used, wrap this stone in green or black silk and open it only when focusing on abundance.

Shape of stones:

· A round stone represents the receptive powers of the Universe.  It’s a very absorbing stone – it allows you to feel the way a circle makes you feel, receiving the energy of the Universe; receiving messages.
· A long stone – traditionally it was very “yang” and very “phallic”.  It had that “get-into-action” kind of energy.
· Egg shaped stones – to activate your creativity
· Square stones – very grounding, they connect with the earth.  To get your business up and running on solid ground, work with a square stone.  (Interesting info:  lingams are powerful stones for connecting with business energy and that deep power within you
· Heart stones represent love
· Triangular stones – good for clarity and protection, especially if it’s a yellow, triangular stone.

Hardness of stones:

· A hard rock means more “yang” and more projection and taking action
· A soft rock means more “yin” and bringing energy within, being receptive

Ways to obtain your stone:

· Go to a New Age store – but when doing this, let the stone “speak” to you; get into a meditative state and let the stone find you.
· Go to a rock show – when obtaining your stone this way, do not haggle the price because for the stone to have energy, there has to be a fun, loving exchange.
· The best stones are those that are gifted to you – if the are gifted to you in a loving way, that love will stay in the stone
· Go out into nature (you can even go to the sea shore) and do trance walking – don’t close your eyes, but get into a meditative state and tell the Universe/Mother Nature that you want a stone.  The stones that are gifts from Mother Nature have a unique power.  You’ll know when it’s your stone – it will seem to show up more than all the other stones.   And when you hold it, you will feel the stone’s vibration, hear the song of the stone and sense the energy emerging from the stone.
· Go out and dig for a stone – when doing this, first ask Mother Nature whether you can dig in that place for a stone.  If you get a no, go somewhere else and ask again.

How to get messages from a stone:

· Do a soul journey into the stone – hold the stone, go into a meditation and imagine that you are stepping inside the stone.  You become very small.  The stone serves as a key into the inner Universe.  You might meet the guardian of that stone, you might ask the name of that stone.  When you know the name of the stone that you’re using for mystical purposes, that stone will magnify your intention even more powerfully.  Also ask that stone:  do you have a message for me? 
· You can also hold the stone and get into a very relaxed state.  As you gaze into the stone, note the images, emotions and memories that surface.  Then ask a question and note what comes up, even if you think that it’s noting of significance, be open and messages will come!  You can also ask yourself:  if I didn’t know what the message was that this stone was conveying to me, what might it be?
· Get a bag of stones of different colours.  Then ask a question, or even ask for whatever message the Universe wants to give you.  Reach inside the bag and pull out a stone.  Ask the Universe what this particular colour of stone means for you eg.  you may be getting a message through a green stone that you need to do healing work in your body.  Pull out a 2nd stone and see how it relates to the message of the first stone eg.  if you pull out a red stone and ask what the message is, you may get the answer that you need to take action on your healing.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

· “So many people feel they have to achieve something to spiritually grow, but just being happy makes a difference.  Just experiencing joy will make a difference in the lives of others.  You then become that pebble dropped in the still pool of humanity.  That love makes a difference on the farthest shore of our planet, of our world.”
· “If you have a stone that you completely love, the colour doesn’t matter.  The colour is less important than the love you have.”

Sunday, November 13, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch
Even though it’s November, the residents of Paso Robles have been enjoying 85 degree weather while many places in the U.S. are experiencing snow storms!  But there is some balance in this – their summer was far hotter!

This show is the first in a new series about listening to the profound messages of the Universe.  These messages are there to help keep your life in balance, and to bring more abundance, joy and health into your life.  It’s simply a matter of learning how to listen!

The Power of the trees

· Trees are probably the most evolved of all plants.
· They have a very special relationship with us, humans because trees produce our oxygen and inhale our metabolic waste (carbon dioxide).  Our exhalation becomes their inhalation and vice versa.  We have this wonderful healing cycle between us.
· Ancient people understood this powerful connection.
· In Ancient Greek times they called them Dryads (the ancient tree nymphs/tree Spirits).  In many ancient traditions, people talked about tree Spirits.
· When Denise’s Cherokee ancestors were forced off their land, the hardest thing for them was to say goodbye to their brother and sister trees.
· In Celtic traditions tree spirits would come out in times of need and help.
· So there is this ancient tradition of understanding and aligning with the spirits of trees and it is something we can utilize today – trees can heal us, ground us, serve us, be gateways into other realms.
· Denise has trees at Summerhill Ranch which are really special to her and she’s taken time to communicate with them and listen to them.
· Trees are multi-dimensional beings.  In Shamanic traditions, trees are used as the gateway – the way to enter other dimensions (eg. through the roots which go deep into the earth, you can enter the underworld; through the trunk and lower branches, you enter the middle world; through the high branches and leaves you can enter into the upper world.)
· In mystical traditions, trees connect us to other realms such as the fairy realm.
· In areas where lots of pesticides are being used, this can diminish the fairy realm.
· Trees, as they’re multi-dimensional, they also enjoy a great deal of freedom on the astral realm because they’re very grounded and can thus journey and help you journey into those inner realms.
· Also, trees can help you get grounded when you meditate.
· If you find yourself feeling spaced out, go hug a tree – it works!
· Trees are great healers – they can transmute negative energy and help you heal.  This does not harm them and they can use that energy.  Part of the trees’ dedication to living on this planet is this wonderful cycle we have with the trees.

Specific ways to connect with the Spirits of trees

If you’re in an apartment and don’t have a tree, adopt a tree in another area (even if the area is far away from you – trees work in the astral as well and it can find you).

· Find the tree you want to adopt, stand 20 – 30 ft away from it and become silent; tune in.  Silently ask the tree:  “Are you willing to be my tree?”  Use whatever words are in your heart to ask – be honest. 
· Then step a little closer.  Sometimes you can feel waves or an energy field and you may also feel as if you’re stepping through different boundaries.  Keep stepping closer and closer as long as you feel that you’re being invited in – you’re stepping through layers of the tree’s auric field. 
· When you’re close to the tree, you can put your hands facing towards the tree or on the tree and ask from the centre of your heart:  “Is it okay?  Are you willing?”  If the tree says that it wants to be left alone, respect this.  But if the tree says yes to being adopted (some trees love to be adopted), you’re connected to the tree.
· Now you can create the energy connection:  sit with your back against the tree or facing the tree (you may want to take a pillow and blanket to be more comfortable).  Denise likes sitting with her back against the tree (it’s like connecting one’s own chakra centre along one’s spine with the chakra flow of the tree.)
· Just sit there – it’s like you’re entering into melding into the spirit of the tree; like you’re becoming the tree.  Feel your roots going deep as you dissolve into the tree.  Feel your branches going high.  Be aware of the moisture in the earth as it surges up through your roots.  Be aware of the gentle breeze as it moves through your branches.  Be aware of the birds as they land on your branches and the animals as they take shelter underneath your branches.
· Ask the tree for its name – there’s power in a name.  Ask:  “What shall I call you?”  As soon as you know the name, connect with the name – it creates more of a bond between you and that tree.
· Then allow your breath to become very slow and rhythmic and merge and meld even more with the tree.
· At later times you can go back with a concern/question and you can get powerful messages from the tree, but with the “adoption” process, you just want to connect.  It’s as if part of the tree starts to live inside of you, and part of you starts to live inside the tree.
· Even if the tree is far away and you’re in your own home, you’ll still be able to connect with the energy of the tree.  You can sit in meditation - visualize, imagine and sense the tree and use it as a gateway to enter especially into the fairy realm.  It’s a “vortex” between this realm and the next realm.
· As you begin to work with trees and their energy, leave a gift.  In Native American tradition, you always leave a gift eg. some people leave a bit of hair, money, tobacco, macro-fertilizer.  It can be anything, even a prayer or a song, but it’s the idea of gifting the tree and saying thank you.  (If you leave corn, as in some traditions, do not leave genetically modified corn!!)
NB:  If you want your relationship with your tree to build; if you want to get more profound messages; if you are in need of a healing, ask and your tree will give it to you; but there must always be this exchange of energy. 
· If you have any type of affliction, eg. a sore shoulder, put your shoulder against your adopted tree.
· If you are traveling, you can have a tree that you adopt for a week/duration of your time away.  There is a connectivity between all trees on our planet - when you connect with one tree, it also connects you with all trees.
· If the tree is offering healing, you can ask the tree:  “What do you want in return?”  Perhaps there is something choking it or something clogging its roots, or something it would like.

Other tips about connecting to trees

· You can also connect with a glen of trees or a small forest of trees – you can have a community that supports you.
· Shape shift:  Feel and be as a tree – this is a powerful technique.  You’re loosening the hold that your individual identity has on you, and allowing your Spirit to soar into the beautiful world around and within you.
· If you are moving into a new home, adopt a tree and connect with it before you move – it will make the energy in your home better and the move so much easier.

The meanings of trees

Every tree has its own energy.  Although each tree has its own individual “personality”, there are some traditional meanings to trees.  The best way is to go on your own inner journey or just to ask the tree:  “What are you bringing to the planet?  What are you bringing to my life?”
· The apple tree is often associated with love, beauty, generosity and is connected to Avalon.
· The cedar and juniper trees are often associated with purification and wisdom.
· The hazel tree is connected to magic and divination.
· Oak – doorway to the realm of fairies, endurance, strength, grounding, power.
· The willow tree – visions of fairies, enchantment, imagination and intuition.
· The cherry tree – rebirth, new awakenings, new beginnings

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

· “In no small way the Universe is whispering to you – the Universe is giving you profound, meaningful messages.”
· “Often, myth has its seed in reality.”
· “All beings like to be cherished.”

Thursday, November 3, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Mork and the other chickens have bonded with the goats – they hang out together and the goats seem to enjoy nibbling on the chickens’ tail feathers!

About intuition and your sixth sense

· When you get something right (ie. When your intuition turns out to be spot on), note the feeling you get and remember that feeling – the feeling is how you know that your intuition is accurate

· Your own background is filtering the images you get through your sixth sense and if someone is projecting these images to you (like Denise’s exercises on the show), the projector’s own background is filtering the images she/he sends.

Images and Denise’s exercises on the show

· On this show, Denise projects images of specific animals, vegetables, minerals and symbols to help listeners take note of and develop their intuition or sixth sense.  For this exercise, Denise also shape-shifts into the image so that she can convey the image to her listeners.

· Shape-shifting is taking the time to meld with the consciousness of another living organism eg.  a tree, bird, animal. 

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“Shape-shifting expands your awareness of the world around you and deepens your sense of self – self as the Universe, self as the Cosmos, self as the Spirit.  It also allows you to step beyond your limiting perception of who you are.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise has just been to the I Can Do It event in Pasadena.  A lady came all the way from London to hear her speak.

Emotion and the sixth sense (Clairsentience) :

Clairsentience refers to tapping in to your sixth sense through your emotions/feelings/your empathy – that’s how you can tell what’s going on in the world around you.

Signs of being clairsentient:

· If you’re in a crowded, noisy place and you feel exhausted, then you’re probably clairsentient.
· If you feel like you have more energy being alone, and if you feel calmer being alone but get stressed if you’re with a number of people, then you could be clairsentient.
· The reason for this is that clairsentient people pick up on the emotions of others – they can feel the emotions of others, eg.  if a clairsentient person is with someone else and they start to get exhausted/angry/sad for no reason, chances are that they are tuning in to that person’s energy field.
· If you wake up tired after a good night’s sleep, you are probably picking up on emotions during your sleep.
· If you look in the mirror sometimes and you look young and vital but at other times you seem to look as if you’ve aged 15yrs – you’re clairsentient, you’re like a sponge, absorbing energy all the time.
· It can even be physical symptoms – if you’ve been around someone and you have unexplained aches and pains, you are probably tuning in to that person’s energy.
· If you feel that sometimes you lose your sense of identity and things you’re passionate about when you’re with others, instead taking on their causes and passions – then you’re clairsentient.
· Sometimes clairsentient people feel like they don’t belong, even with their family – reasons can be because of past lives, but perhaps it’s a symptom of being clairsentient.
· If after people talk to you, they feel energized but perhaps you feel depleted – this too can be attributed to clairsentience.

The gift of being clairsentient:

· Clairsentience helps you to be empathetic and understanding of others.  Good healers or coaches are often clairsentient.
· Another gift is that your body becomes a Geiger counter or a litmus test – you can feel when you’re in the right/wrong place or if you’ve made a decision that does/doesn’t empower your life. 
NB:  Celebrate this gift.

Protecting yourself as a clairsentient person:

Being clairsentient, you can get drained/exhausted.  Here are some things that you can do to protect yourself only when you need it – don’t protect yourself all the time because you will develop the attitude that you need protection and that other people are enemies who can hurt you:

  1. Drink water – it keeps the energy flowing through you.
  2. Meditation/visualization:
    1. Imagine that you’re a geyser and water is flowing up through you so powerfully so that nothing can penetrate or get to you. 
    2. Imagine that a waterfall from the Heavens and water is cascading over you so powerfully that nothing can get in because it is washed away by the waterfall. 
    3. Surround yourself with white light or imagine spiraling energy coming up through the earth powerfully. 
    4. Imagine angel wings are wrapped around you – this is powerful so that nothing could diminish your energy.
    5. If you have someone standing in front of you and you feel yourself getting more drained, imagine a fine mesh net with thousands of crosses.  You can hear the communication from this person, but it’s coming to you through the net.
    6. Or imagine a rose between you and the other person so that your communication with the other person comes through the rose – this minimizes this loss of energy you’re feeling.
  3. Holiday shopping can drain you because you’re in contact with a lot of auric fields and you’re absorbing the energy and taking the stress with you.  So take an Epsom salt bath (1/2 lb) and soak in it so that you can feel everything draining out of you, and then a cold shower rinse.  If you don’t have a bath, scrub your body with the salt.  This re-energizes your emotions.

Physical sensations:

· Sometimes you can feel Spirit or angels or someone from the other side present by a tingling sensation in your body. 
· A tickling feeling or a pressure on top of your head, or a feeling that you’ve been touched, or your hair is standing on end, or even a spontaneous emotion – these things can be physical messages of this presence.

To develop this ability:

Have a friend bring you objects that you have no idea who owned them or what the background of the objects is, but your friend does – hold the object and note the emotions or feelings that come up.  Note what physical sensations your body feels eg.  do you instantly feel strong, or do you instantly feel timid.  Do you feel dynamic, or shy?  Then get some feedback from your friend.   


This refers to tuning into your sixth sense through taste and is very rare eg. suddenly having a bitter taste in your mouth for no explicable reason.

How to know whether a feeling is ego or Divine Guidance:

Remember the feeling you get when you’ve been right (ie.  When you’ve tuned into the sixth sense and discover that you were able to sense something accurately).  This feeling will come whenever you’re on track and sensing something accurately – this is how you know that it’s your sixth sense and not a reaction coming from your ego.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

· “Celebrate yourself whenever you can!”
· “When you’re developing the sixth sense, do not stop the flow if you feel you’re not right – the way to develop your sixth sense is to keep going.  Do not invalidate yourself.”