Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch
Denise got back from Australia I Can Do It event, and Mork was very excited to see her.  Read her August Newsletter (Mumblings & Musings) to know about Denise’s other meaningful and somewhat humorous experience.

An abundance tip
NB:  If you’re using the techniques mentioned on the radio shows, know that they don’t have to be perfect eg. your collage doesn’t have to be perfect.  Keep going and the energy you put out will come back to you.

About Feng Shui

Feng shui doesn’t give you wealth, but it will support you as you move in the direction of prosperity.
There are a lot of reasons you could be struggling with prosperity:  Past life Karma –  but you can change it, you are not stuck with the past.  It can be ancestral programming, childhood programming, programming from society, culture, religion, your astrology, etc.  All of this can be changed.

About Clutter clearing

Clutter clearing – if you want more flow of finances in your life, you need to have more flow in your home.  The more flow (qi, energy, life force) you have, the more finances can flow into your home.  Go room by room – if you don’t love it or use it, move it out of your energy field (home). 

Specific tips regarding your wallet/purse  and clutter clearing:

    1. Keep it clean and don’t use it as a trash bag because this influences your financial flow.
    2. Avoid wallet clutter – if you open your purse, and if you haven’t used something and don’t love it, clear it out.  You should not have the energy in your purse clogged  - clear it out.  Clear out extra cards and credit cards – keep only what you use.  A purse/wallet represents wealth.
    3. When you go out, do not put your purse on the floor (especially the bathroom floor).  Treat it as if it’s a metaphor for your wealth.  Keep your purse elevated and don’t put it on the table you eat off – GERMS!!
    4. Don’t disrespect the money in your purse – respect even the coins and put them in the coins section because lots of money starts with a small amount of money.  Honour even the penny or dime you pick up and give thanks because prosperity is flowing to you.  If you stop the flow in any area, even in a small area, it stops the flow in a big area.  If your bills are crumpled, uncrumple them and lay them in some order.
    5. Feel abundant - Put $100 bill in your wallet/purse, hide it and don’t spend it.  This represents feeling abundant but also having financial reserves when you need them; it’s a metaphor.
    6. NB:  Feng shui is a metaphor.  The most powerful Feng Shui is symbolic feng shui  Let your purse or wallet be symbolic of that
    7. Energise your wallet/purse by doing blessings, spraying it with essential oils, putting it out in the sun and asking the abundant sunshine of our beautiful planet to energise it.  If you have an altar, put your purse on the altar for 24hrs, whatever feels energizing and abundant to you. 
    8. Buy thoughtfully – when you’re buying that purse, make sure that you love it.  See how it feels on your shoulder – if it’s uncomfortable, chances are that from  a feng shui perspective, it’s going to be an uncomfortable journey to proseperity.  Make sure it has enough compartments and you don’t have to search through your purse to find things, because this can be a metaphor about how you have to find your way financially too and it’s not easy.  You must be able to find things in your purse easily.
    9. Your purse should be secure, not open to the Universe.  It should have some way of fastening/closing to secure your wealth and abundance.

More Feng Shui suggestions (See Part I for more info):

The entrance to your home:
· The entrance to your home is a metaphor for your entire home and a powerful metaphor for prosperity.  Oil the door, make the entrance beautiful and comfortable.
· The pathway to your home should have no obstacles if possible.  It should be well lit and clean.
· The entrance is an “energy greeter” – it should have anything that feels symbolic of welcoming people who come inside.  You’re saying:  Welcome qi, welcome abundance/life eg.  have plants, buddhas or any beautiful, welcoming thing at the entrance.. 

Symbols as ornaments in your home: 
· The sailing ship representing abundance or the fat Buddha (see Part I)
· The dragon – symbolic of wealth/abundance.  Get a fat dragon full of energy and life force, and put it where it feels good.  Get coins and put the dragon on top of the coins activating the dragon energy into your home/life symbolically. 

The source of your money-making:
· Think about the way you make your money - eg.  Phone, computer, mail box, etc. 
· Make sure this particular place is clean, workable. 
· Tape some money or an affirmation under it.

The Kitchen:
· The stove burners are symbolic, so have them working and use them. 
· The far left back burner is a symbolic area of wealth – use it!
· Never leave an empty pot on a burner since this indicates a lack. 
· Kitchen should be clutter clear. (Also see Part I for more info). 
· Put things in your kitchen that represent wealth eg.  fill your spice bottles, have a big bowl of fruit, have affirmations above/behind stove.

Your Desk:
· Put your desk in the command/power position
· make sure you can see the door and it’s not behind you. 
· Do not have a window behind you – ideally something solid eg. mountain picture

Abundance Altar:
· The creation of an altar is a ceremony that honours the fact that you are opening to the flow of the Universe. 
· There is no scarcity in the Universe – the more you have the more you can give.

· Water represents financial flow (greatest symbol of prosperity).
· Inside entrance you might put a blue/black rug representing water/a river of opportunity flowing into this home. 
· The water must be coming towards you, not flowing away from you, eg.  waterfall poster as if water is flowing towards you. 
· When you’re working with water, have the intention (because intention is everything) that this water is activating even more abundance. 
· Ideas of water symbols:  Pictures of oceans,rivers, symbolic art, blue lava lamp with the intention of water, home fountains (have the intention that more and more abundance is flowing to you.).  Fish (goldfish or any fish that give you joy – in feng shui, 8 gold fish and 1 black goldfish is traditional ), a Zen aquarium, aquarium with plastic plants. 
· Don’t put the aquarium in your bedroom – put it anywhere else (you can use the 3 door gate or compass school feng shui system – see Part I) with the intention that you’re activating abundance. 
· Put a plug/shells over open drains – so that this water is not moving away from the home, symbolically blocking the flow. 
· Toilet seats should be closed for the same reason.

For a list of feng shui practitioners, go to Denise’s website, http://www.deniselinn.com/

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“An altar gives form to the formless!”

“When life isn’t happy just embrace what is.”

All that comes through this phone (or source of money-making, whatever it may be eg. computer) comes from a spirit of joy and enthusiasm.

Monday, August 15, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise has been teaching in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia at the I Can Do It conference.  Denise thanks everyone who made her feel so welcome in Australia.

The power of a prosperity consciousness:

When we have a poverty consciousness, we want to hold on tight to what we have.  But from a metaphysical point of view, it stops the flow.  You want prosperity to flow in and in order for it to flow in, you need energy to flow out.  So shift that consciousness from holding on to just letting things flow.

Reasons to give:

  1. When you give, it creates this positive feedback loop and makes you happier – the happier you are, the more likely you are to give, and the happier you are!  And the happier you are, the easier it is to create abundance.

  1. Part of the reason you want to give is that it puts you into a positive mind state and when you’re in a positive mind state, it’s so much easier for those seeming miracles to flow to you because the things you desire can come in ways that you least expect when you’re open to it. So giving is one way to open your heart so you’re more open to it.  There are different ways to give (not just financial).

  1. Giving activates the strength in you.  It also releases serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin (chemicals in the brain that make you feel good).  Giving also strengthens the immune system – there is a decrease both in the intensity and the awareness of physical pain.  There’s a reduction in negativity, chronic hostility and even things that damage the body (eg. walking into the wall).  There are all kinds of benefits to every system in the body – all the glands and organs are provided by the stress relief that giving gives.

  1. There is the Helper’s High – a rush of euphoria.  They’ve found that not only is there an instant rush, but it lasts over time and gives you emotional and physical well-being.

What to remember when giving:

· Give in the area you want to receive – it gets the flow going, eg.  if you want a home, give to the homeless.  The giving doesn’t have to be financial – you can give of yourself/your time/your energy.  If you want a new car, volunteer to drive for people who are not able to drive.

· DO NOT GIVE AS A SACRIFICE!  If you do, it will not work to get the flow going because you feel like you’re giving up something and you may resent it.  Also, don’t give what you can’t afford to give (for the same reason).  Monitor your giving – give in an area that gives you joy and feed your soul.  The more your soul is fed, the easier it is for the Universe to just shower you with abundance.

· If you feel that you don’t have time to give, give with the attitude of:  the more I give, the more time I have.  Whatever attitude you give with, it will come back to you 10-fold in that area.  Do not give out of fear or out of sacrifice.

To practise unconditional giving:

· If you’re struggling with attaching conditions to your giving, do not give to someone who does not appreciate what you give – if you feel you’re better than that person, you’re diminishing them.  And if you feel resentful because they don’t appreciate your gift, that diminishes you.  Don’t see people as needy – see them as having all the resources they need within them.

· Give something to somebody who doesn’t know it’s from you (give anonymously) – that way you won’t be upset if they don’t thank you because they didn’t know it was from you. eg.  put a note/card in a shopping cart:  “Whoever gets this cart next, I’m sending you blessings for a wonderful day”.  This doesn’t cost you much money.  The person who gets it finds it’s usually exactly what they need.

Ways to give that aren’t financial:

· Share your expertise with the local school, eg.  go in and read to the kids

· Clutter clearing – clear out your closet and bless someone with your excesses.  And when you give these things, put blessings in them, eg.  fold the clothes neatly, put your hand on them and say:  “whoever will wear this, I gift you with my love/my blessings.  May your day be brighter.”  Put that energy into the clothes.  It will empower the person.

· Contact your local hospice to be of support to the people somehow – be with them in their time of transition into spirit.

· If you’re creative, give your art/creative gifts to others.

· Be a volunteer at your local zoo, park, etc.  Do whatever feeds your soul.

· Be part of a literacy program – help children and adults to read.

· Volunteer at an animal shelter and give energy, give love.

· Food bank – buy an extra item of food and donate it to your local food bank.

· Local children’s hospitals and community centers

· Some financial ways to give:  Kiva (microloans), Heiffer International, PAWS (Performing Amimals Welfare Society)

NB:  Keep the flow going – give of your time/energy/finances and do it with the intention that “I’m allowing the Universe to flow into me as the energy flows out.

The Power of Receiving:

· There’s a direct correlation between your ability to receive and your ability to give without limits.

· True giving is where you give without any conditions.  If you can’t receive, chances are that you have some subconscious conditions on your giving.  So if you really want that flow to go, you need to be willing to receive.  So when the Universe is gifting you with something, don’t feel unworthy or that you don’t deserve it, just say:  “Thank you!”

·  The way to start is if someone compliments you, say:  “Thank you so much”, take it in and embrace it.  The gift of a compliment is no less a gift than a physical gift.  If you don’t accept it, you diminish the giver’s energy. 

· When you can receive as a spiritual discipline, so you can give and more will flow into your life.  There is no limitation to the gifts of the Universe.  There is no scarcity – there is enough abundance in the world to feed everyone.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“Abundance can come in many ways.  Do not limit the way the Universe can give to you.”

“When you can give with a full heart without expecting anything back, it builds up your spiritual bank account – it actually fills you spiritually.  The giving isn’t so much for the other person, it’s for you.”

“Be the kind of friend to others that you want others to be to you.  You train people how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.”


The more I give of my time, the more time I have.  The more I give of my energy, the more energy I have.  The more I give of my finances, the more finances I have.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

There was a fair in Denise’s area and she loves it, especially the animals. She’s headed to Australia to the I Can Do It Conference this week.

7 Steps about being precise:

  1. In order to produce new results, realise that you’re already producing results.  They may not be what you want, but they are the results you’ve created.  Look at what is (where are you right now) and be precise about where you are and what results you have eg.  I have a 2nd mortgage on my house; I make X amount of money.  This is what the bills are.  ie.  Begin to assess where you are very precisely.

  1. Start to watch your language to yourself and others.  Be careful about the generalizations you’re using eg.  you have to work hard to make money, it takes money to make money, I’m too old to learn a new skill.  Every time you find yourself making a generalization about abundance/prosperity, ask yourself:  Is that true?  If you can find even 1 person who proved this generalization untrue, then the generalization is inaccurate.  You need to delete those inaccurate generalizations that are forming limitations.  It’s often not the generalizations that you are aware of that are dictating your destiny, it is the ones in the background.  If the generalization is untrue, come up with a new one eg.  I can learn a new skill no matter how old I am.  Begin to create new thought forms

  1. Know your outcome.  Define precisely what you want (what, with who, when, where, etc.).  Abundance is energy, so you need to define exactly where you want it to go – where intention goes, energy flows.  And where attention goes, energy flows.  Define what it is that you really want.  Ask these questions:
a.      What is it that I really want? Write it out
b.     Why do I want it? 
c.      How will this change my life?
d.     How will this affect others in my life?
e.      Am I really ready for these things to occur?  Sometimes it’s more fun to want things and we’re not equipped for these things to happen.

  1. Be precise in your thoughts and your language.  Have what you want written out precisely, but your thoughts also need to be precise – align your thoughts and your language with your intentionality.

  1. Ask for support.  Ask advice from people that know, eg.  if you want to be abundant, ask someone who is successful and abundant.  If you’re asking for financial support, make sure you include the needs of the person you’re asking.  If you’re asking for advice, make sure you give something in return – make sure there is an exchange of energy.

  1. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!  Keep going!  Work at it from another angle.  Work on your precision, being really clear.  Once you get that clarity, ask:  is this in alignment with my soul?  Is this really what I want?

  1. After you are so clear, let it go.  Just let it go and give it over to the Universe/God.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“If you want the flow to keep going, Celebrate the small wins, even the tiniest wins.  As you celebrate it you allow that flow to increase…With abundance it’s energy – you want it to flow.”

“Celebrate the wins of others – it increases the flow.”

“It doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to be done.  So many times our dreams get put on hold because we wait until it’s perfect and good enough.  It may never be good enough. But just do it anyway.”