News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch:
Denise and her family have realized it is time for them to leave Summerhill Ranch. Sometime in the next year, they will be moving to a new home. They lost their court battle with the oil company that wants to drill for oil very close to their property line. While this has been a time of grieving for Denise, it has also been a time of learning and growing. The support she has received from all her listeners through Facebook and the support that the Soul Coaches have shown, is deeply appreciated by Denise.
Limiting core beliefs and confidence:
· Confidence is something deep and silent – someone who accepts who they are and what they are; someone who understands themselves and doesn’t judge themselves, and sees the best in who they are.
· Often what keeps us from feeling confident isn’t our conscious thoughts, but those deep beliefs that are in the dark recesses of our soul.
· Those core beliefs can come from things that were told to you as a child, eg. your parents might have said something negative to you or about you regarding your abilities – those beliefs go deep inside and continue to radiate out even though you may not remember what was said.
· Because of these deep beliefs, you will actually create circumstances that are repetitive patterns to validate those subconscious beliefs, even though, consciously, you keep affirming something positive.
· If you want to know what your subconscious/core beliefs are, look at your life – your life is a reflection of what you subconsciously believe, eg. if you’re struggling in life, there may be some deep core belief that says that life is a struggle.
· Some core beliefs can come from society, your religion, the media, your friends, co-workers, your ancestors, or past lives.
Unweaving the core beliefs:
· Discover what your core beliefs are and examine them. This brings them up to the surface. No matter how deeply ingrained these core beliefs are, you can release them!
· First, start writing down any core beliefs you think you might have.
· Write down the names of anyone you have had a relationship with in your life, eg. parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, co-workers, aquaintances
· Next to each name, write down what you know/think this person’s beliefs are about self-esteem – all the energy of the person gets absorbed into your energy field, eg. perhaps the person thinks that confident people are egotistical. Look at the person’s sense of self-esteem.
· Even if you didn’t know your great grandparents, write down what you imagine to be their beliefs about confidence and self esteem.
· Then also write down your religion growing up and your current religion, the society and culture you grew up in.
· Begin to look for patterns.
· With each of these beliefs, ask yourself: is this true about me?
· Hone in on the most potent core beliefs, eg. is there anyone you know (or even a public figure) who is confident and who isn’t egotistical? You are slowly undoing those limiting core beliefs.
· Now think of an affirmation that is in direct contrast with each limiting core belief, and so begin to erase the core belief so that you have a new way of being.
· Going back into past lives can also be a way of beginning to unweave some of those beliefs you’ve taken lifetime after lifetime. You can use Denise’s book, Past Lives, Present Miracles, or Denise’s past lives meditations on iTunes or The latter can even be used at bedtime and will work in your dream state to help unweave those core beliefs. Denise’s CD, 33 Spirit Journeys, also includes a meditation to reprogram your subconscious and relinquish these beliefs.
Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:
· “Times of testing come when you are at that point of stepping up to the next level.”
· “The better you feel about yourself, the better others feel about themselves around you.”
Do you have a fabulous fun, funky factoid?
Denise has an additional Facebook page called: Fabulous fun, funky factoids – join the Fun Factoid Family and share some fun factoids if you know some!!
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