Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Americans have just celebrated Thanksgiving, and Denise had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving – and she is so grateful for that.  And stay tuned to find out whether the wolf urine that Denise has purchased really does keep the coyotes away from the ranch!

News from Meadow Linn (Denise’s daughter)

Thanksgiving is one of Meadow’s favourite holidays.  She loves being able to cook for the people who are going to spend Thanksgiving with her, the togetherness, the gratitude aspect with reflecting on the years blessings, and of course she also loves being able to eat the delicious food at the same time!  However, Meadow’s favourite memory of the week was having a friend’s 2yr old help dig up potatoes in Meadow’s garden and have a blast doing it!

Interesting Info:  Energizing one’s food!

· Denise read about research that was done where kids who participated in the growing process of the food they ate (even if it was vegetables that most kids are said to dislike), the children loved to eat those vegetables.  A great part of the reason is that they had participated in the cycle of life.

· Even if you live in an apartment, you could grow eg. tomatoes in a pot.  If your child participates in growing the tomatoes, the plant responds to the child’s energy and the nutrients of that plant will be so much more in alignment with the biochemistry of that child.

· If you take the seed of a plant, put it under your tongue for just a minute with the intention that you’re programming that seed with your biochemistry, and then plant the seed, the food is said to be much more potent for your body because the plant has responded to your DNA and your energy.

Food and romantic love:

If you’re looking for romantic love or if you want to take your romantic relationship to the next level, here are some actions steps:

  1. Ask yourself:  Is this really what I want?  Some people are happier looking for love than being in love.  Looking for love is different to finding love – which do you want?  Do you really want to be in a relationship?  To find out what you want, visualize yourself with the future you think you want, and all the little details in that future.

  1. Look at blockages.  When there’s something you yearn for in your life which is not coming to fruition, sometimes there is inner sabotage or an inner blockage eg.  deep seated beliefs that you have.  Because of these blockages, you continue to sabotage yourself in certain aspects of your life.  There is value in stepping back – you can work on this on your own, or with a Soul Coach (look for a Soul Coach on Denise’s website which has a link to Soul Coaches).  Perhaps some blockages are from a past life, and many Soul Coaches can help with that too.

  1. Ask yourself:  who do I need to be in order to be in a relationship?  Who do I need to be to attract the kind of person that I want?  Am I that kind of person?  You may need to make some adjustments either in what you desire, or in who you are.

  1. Visualise yourself with your perfect mate and affirm that this is what is coming to you.  Create collages of what you want – they work!  Remember, with your collaging, to focus on the feeling that you’d have if your dream came true.  Create a miracle box or a God box to help.  NB.  Be very careful about the words that you use!  Eg.  instead of:  “I want to clear all my debts”, say “ I am living in vast abundance, easily and effortlessly”.

  1. Let it go!  Know that there is a plan for you, know that the Creator is on your side and your life is guided.  Sometimes there is something better out there for you than you could have even imagined.  Visualise everything you want and then see yourself put it into a beautiful, pink bubble.  Watch that bubble float up into the Heavens until you cannot see it anymore.

  1. You can still have the intent of what you want even after you’ve let it go – that’s a whole different energy.   You’re more relaxed – “if it comes then it comes, and if it doesn’t then there’s something better out there.”  This leads you to the next step.

  1. Create your magical/mystical meal – use the alchemy of food to manifest what you desire.  You can do this alone or with a partner.  The human psyche responds powerfully and often instantly to ceremony/ritual.  Decide that you’re going to create a meal for love.  You can create a meal for 2 even if you’re alone – this is a mystical exercise.  Don’t think of specific details like how the one you love will look, just think that “here is my beloved”.  Think about what foods have the energy that you want in a relationship, eg.  if you want adventure in your relationship, what foods give you the feeling of adventure.  Go for the feeling and use foods that are right for this feeling, not the foods that are supposed to traditionally represent that quality!  Also, use feng shui, kitchen altars and your kitchen angel, and infuse love in the food when you cook.  While you’re cooking, create the feeling you desire to be in that relationship – you’re energizing that energy into the food.
  2. What kind of table settings will give you the feeling you desire in your relationship?

  1. Chat/share with your beloved – act like he/she is there; make it real.  This is a ceremony/ritual, and there is a place within the Heavens that hears that energy.
Wisdom of the Week from Denise and Meadow:

“It is never too early to get kids excited about gardening, cooking, and taking part in all of the aspects of life so that you’re really savouring every moment.”  ~ Meadow Linn

“You can change those beliefs that are dictating your present and your future.”  ~ Denise Linn

An exciting offer:  

Denise and Meadow’s new book, The Mystic Cookbook has just been launched, and Hay House is offering everyone who buys the book a free online seminar with Denise and Meadow in January 2013!