Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Thursday, October 13, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise and her family had the first rain of the year in their area – a big event, especially for the feathered members of her family (her chickens!) who seemed a little apprehensive at the unusual sight of rain!

What is the sixth sense?

That sixth sense is our ability to perceive the subtle dimensions or the unseen world around us (which contains angels, ghosts, heavens, people who have passed on, prophetic images) – all of that which we have no way of proving through the physical universe. ESP, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition all fall under the sixth sense.

There are 2 ways in which we perceive the world:

  1. Through our 5 senses (smell, taste, sight, sound, touch)
  2. Our sixth sense also utilizes the physical senses (smell, taste, sight, sound, touch), but in a more subtle way.

Examples of sixth sense experiences through the 5 physical senses – when the inner and outer realms overlap, and these experiences seem real, but there is no validation in the physical realm:

· You smell something eg.  roses, or something strange like sauerkraut (true story!), and through this smell, you just know that someone is trying to connect with you from the other side – you have a foot in this realm and a foot in the next realm.
· You think you see something out of the corner of your eye, but there seems to be nothing there.  If this happens, admit to yourself that maybe you did see something but you don’t know what it is.
· Someone in an accident/war appears in full physical form to a loved one, and then they disappear – this person at that time was going through something traumatic and their spirit was reaching out.
· When people were out in nature being still, they’d have an amazing experience eg.  a teacher saw two birds flying in unison and carrying between them beads, which then expanded into a beaded cloak – she was not asleep, and this was a profound experience for her.
· You hear someone say your name and there is no one there; or you hear music, bells or singing that can’t be accounted for; you hear a knock at the door but no one is there.
· You feel as if someone touched you or passed their hand over your head, but no one was there.
· You get a certain taste in your mouth (sweet, bitter, etc.)

Examples of sixth sense experiences through the non-physical senses

· Hunch, or a gut-responses
· Through your dreams
· A knowing or a flash (something that you see or somehow suddenly know and then you find that it actually happens)

NB:  Do exercises to activate all of the senses for sixth sense experiences – because the more powerful and attuned your sixth sense is, the easier it is to be at the right place at the right time, and to make decisions that empower you, and to make a difference in the world for others.

How do you develop the sixth sense?

  1. Believe - that you have a sixth sense, that there is another realm that is always communicating with you and giving you signs.  Believe, even if you have moments of doubt
  2. Meditation – 1 minute a day can make a difference.  Sit still and focus on one object in front of you and be aware of what’s around you for 1 minute a day.
  3. Enter into a very subtly altered state of consciousness – walk or sit down and let your eyes get lazy, then start breathing very deeply.  Do this in nature if you can because it’s easier to see auric fields in nature.  Look at a plant/tree/flower and be present with it.  Be quiet and use your imagination (which is often the key to the inner realm) – imagine that you can sense or see a light around the plant.  Imagine that you can see or sense an auric field.  Often just imagining this begins to open that inner knowing.
  4. Free associate (say or think of a word, and the very next image or word that comes into your mind, you say that or think that image/word.  And so you continue…) - free associate with the intention of activating your intuition or knowing and it will work.  What you need to consciously know or remember can come to the surface.
  5. Ask yourself:  what’s the message? - eg.  pick up an apple and ask what the message is.  If this apple had a message for me, what would it be?  Let it come, it doesn’t have to make sense and that’s part of the skill of the sixth sense – you’re not filtering or judging, you’re just letting it flow.
  6. Doodle – especially doodle while listening to music as music activates your right brain (your intuitive side).  Then ask:  if this doodle had a message for me, what would it be?
  7. Ask yourself:  what’s next?  - Choose a random page in a book.  If something happened on this page, what would it be?  Supposing the picture of a tree comes to mind, then you skim the page and notice the word “branch” – that would be interesting.  You could do this with a suite of cards.

NB:  Do exercises where you’re not attached to whether you are right or wrong (so that you don’t judge yourself).  The more unattached you are, the easier it will be to activate your intuition, and the easier it will become to get more accurate readings for your life.

Colour and the sixth sense:

· Colour is a vibration/energy.  Every colour has a different wave. (towards the red end of the rainbow, the waves are slow vibrations.  Towards the other end of the rainbow, the waves get faster.  Some colours, eg. ultraviolet, can’t be seen by us because of the speed of the wave – insects see ultraviolet.
· Colour relates to our emotions. eg.  studies have shown some of the following:  red may be used in a restaurant since it activates your appetite and catches your attention.  Blue is soothing and relaxing.  In a yellow environment, people have more clarity, are more communicative, and make fewer mistakes.  In a lavender environment, people are less likely to communicate.  The effect of the colour on your emotions doesn’t always correlate with the rate of vibration of the wave.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

· “If there was a message, what would it be?”
· “Your sixth sense is like a muscle – if you don’t use a muscle very much, you don’t have control over it.  But if you exercise it, if you use it again and again, you develop a skill; you develop use of that muscle.”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Denise for this piece of information. Really a good one. Further would like to know once we activate or energize our sixth sense how to perceive the subtle dimensions or unseen world ?
