Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Sunday, November 13, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch
Even though it’s November, the residents of Paso Robles have been enjoying 85 degree weather while many places in the U.S. are experiencing snow storms!  But there is some balance in this – their summer was far hotter!

This show is the first in a new series about listening to the profound messages of the Universe.  These messages are there to help keep your life in balance, and to bring more abundance, joy and health into your life.  It’s simply a matter of learning how to listen!

The Power of the trees

· Trees are probably the most evolved of all plants.
· They have a very special relationship with us, humans because trees produce our oxygen and inhale our metabolic waste (carbon dioxide).  Our exhalation becomes their inhalation and vice versa.  We have this wonderful healing cycle between us.
· Ancient people understood this powerful connection.
· In Ancient Greek times they called them Dryads (the ancient tree nymphs/tree Spirits).  In many ancient traditions, people talked about tree Spirits.
· When Denise’s Cherokee ancestors were forced off their land, the hardest thing for them was to say goodbye to their brother and sister trees.
· In Celtic traditions tree spirits would come out in times of need and help.
· So there is this ancient tradition of understanding and aligning with the spirits of trees and it is something we can utilize today – trees can heal us, ground us, serve us, be gateways into other realms.
· Denise has trees at Summerhill Ranch which are really special to her and she’s taken time to communicate with them and listen to them.
· Trees are multi-dimensional beings.  In Shamanic traditions, trees are used as the gateway – the way to enter other dimensions (eg. through the roots which go deep into the earth, you can enter the underworld; through the trunk and lower branches, you enter the middle world; through the high branches and leaves you can enter into the upper world.)
· In mystical traditions, trees connect us to other realms such as the fairy realm.
· In areas where lots of pesticides are being used, this can diminish the fairy realm.
· Trees, as they’re multi-dimensional, they also enjoy a great deal of freedom on the astral realm because they’re very grounded and can thus journey and help you journey into those inner realms.
· Also, trees can help you get grounded when you meditate.
· If you find yourself feeling spaced out, go hug a tree – it works!
· Trees are great healers – they can transmute negative energy and help you heal.  This does not harm them and they can use that energy.  Part of the trees’ dedication to living on this planet is this wonderful cycle we have with the trees.

Specific ways to connect with the Spirits of trees

If you’re in an apartment and don’t have a tree, adopt a tree in another area (even if the area is far away from you – trees work in the astral as well and it can find you).

· Find the tree you want to adopt, stand 20 – 30 ft away from it and become silent; tune in.  Silently ask the tree:  “Are you willing to be my tree?”  Use whatever words are in your heart to ask – be honest. 
· Then step a little closer.  Sometimes you can feel waves or an energy field and you may also feel as if you’re stepping through different boundaries.  Keep stepping closer and closer as long as you feel that you’re being invited in – you’re stepping through layers of the tree’s auric field. 
· When you’re close to the tree, you can put your hands facing towards the tree or on the tree and ask from the centre of your heart:  “Is it okay?  Are you willing?”  If the tree says that it wants to be left alone, respect this.  But if the tree says yes to being adopted (some trees love to be adopted), you’re connected to the tree.
· Now you can create the energy connection:  sit with your back against the tree or facing the tree (you may want to take a pillow and blanket to be more comfortable).  Denise likes sitting with her back against the tree (it’s like connecting one’s own chakra centre along one’s spine with the chakra flow of the tree.)
· Just sit there – it’s like you’re entering into melding into the spirit of the tree; like you’re becoming the tree.  Feel your roots going deep as you dissolve into the tree.  Feel your branches going high.  Be aware of the moisture in the earth as it surges up through your roots.  Be aware of the gentle breeze as it moves through your branches.  Be aware of the birds as they land on your branches and the animals as they take shelter underneath your branches.
· Ask the tree for its name – there’s power in a name.  Ask:  “What shall I call you?”  As soon as you know the name, connect with the name – it creates more of a bond between you and that tree.
· Then allow your breath to become very slow and rhythmic and merge and meld even more with the tree.
· At later times you can go back with a concern/question and you can get powerful messages from the tree, but with the “adoption” process, you just want to connect.  It’s as if part of the tree starts to live inside of you, and part of you starts to live inside the tree.
· Even if the tree is far away and you’re in your own home, you’ll still be able to connect with the energy of the tree.  You can sit in meditation - visualize, imagine and sense the tree and use it as a gateway to enter especially into the fairy realm.  It’s a “vortex” between this realm and the next realm.
· As you begin to work with trees and their energy, leave a gift.  In Native American tradition, you always leave a gift eg. some people leave a bit of hair, money, tobacco, macro-fertilizer.  It can be anything, even a prayer or a song, but it’s the idea of gifting the tree and saying thank you.  (If you leave corn, as in some traditions, do not leave genetically modified corn!!)
NB:  If you want your relationship with your tree to build; if you want to get more profound messages; if you are in need of a healing, ask and your tree will give it to you; but there must always be this exchange of energy. 
· If you have any type of affliction, eg. a sore shoulder, put your shoulder against your adopted tree.
· If you are traveling, you can have a tree that you adopt for a week/duration of your time away.  There is a connectivity between all trees on our planet - when you connect with one tree, it also connects you with all trees.
· If the tree is offering healing, you can ask the tree:  “What do you want in return?”  Perhaps there is something choking it or something clogging its roots, or something it would like.

Other tips about connecting to trees

· You can also connect with a glen of trees or a small forest of trees – you can have a community that supports you.
· Shape shift:  Feel and be as a tree – this is a powerful technique.  You’re loosening the hold that your individual identity has on you, and allowing your Spirit to soar into the beautiful world around and within you.
· If you are moving into a new home, adopt a tree and connect with it before you move – it will make the energy in your home better and the move so much easier.

The meanings of trees

Every tree has its own energy.  Although each tree has its own individual “personality”, there are some traditional meanings to trees.  The best way is to go on your own inner journey or just to ask the tree:  “What are you bringing to the planet?  What are you bringing to my life?”
· The apple tree is often associated with love, beauty, generosity and is connected to Avalon.
· The cedar and juniper trees are often associated with purification and wisdom.
· The hazel tree is connected to magic and divination.
· Oak – doorway to the realm of fairies, endurance, strength, grounding, power.
· The willow tree – visions of fairies, enchantment, imagination and intuition.
· The cherry tree – rebirth, new awakenings, new beginnings

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

· “In no small way the Universe is whispering to you – the Universe is giving you profound, meaningful messages.”
· “Often, myth has its seed in reality.”
· “All beings like to be cherished.”

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