Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Friday, December 16, 2011


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch

Denise just arrived back from Tampa Florida where she was speaking and she was really excited to connect with many of the people who listen to her show.  Mork, her resident rooster, missed her terribly.   Denise also discovered that her “dream self” has a different personality to her!!!

The messages of wild animals

· Listen to the messages that the Universe is giving you.  Wild animals have messages too.
· In native and ancient cultures worldwide, people had an animal totem or ally – all these cultures understood the power of having a particular animal that was aligned with your soul. 
· Much as we have guardian angels, people in native cultures knew the importance of working with their power animals (their own unique animal).  Power animals can’t be compared to angels or Spirit guides since they have their own unique messages and activate different qualities within you.
· If you don’t know what your power animal is, research it and find yours since your power animal can open up a vast universe of awareness that is not available without them.

Why have an animal totem?

· Animal totems connect you more intimately with the ancient wisdom of the earth – this is a different kind of wisdom to that which angels connect you to. 
· Your animal totem will also activate qualities within you.  You’ll have a main animal totem, but sometimes another animal totem will also come to activate a quality for a particular time – so you may have more than one animal totem. 
· The more you communicate with that particular animal, the more you connect with that animal and the more those particular qualities begin to grow within you.

How to find your power/Spirit animal/animal totem

· While you can choose a Spirit animal and this does work, rather let your animal find you – let yourself be chosen. 
· You can do this by watching the messages and watching your dreams.  Watch the coincidental synchronicities around you, the conversations people are having, what you hear on the radio, the billboards you see, the license plates you see.
· When a message appears 3 times, it’s a good sign that you have found your Spirit animal.

Connecting with and gaining messages from your Spirit animal/animal totem

· Once you know what your animal totem is, spend time in meditation communicating with that animal, connecting with it, honouring with it – if you have an altar, put a picture or statue of that animal on it to deepen the connection with your Spirit animal.
· Do research about your animal.  Find out how they react in nature.  Denise recommends Ted Andrews’ books (eg.  Animals Speak).  However, there is no one meaning for an animal – the meaning is what you feel is true for you.  Eg.  Horse can represent freedom to one person, but beauty to another.
· To find your particular message, look at how the animal reacts in nature – eg.  if your Spirit animal is a bear, and you know that bears hibernate, then it may be indicative of the fact that you need to take time to go within.
· Contribute in some way to that animal eg.  give to a cause that supports your particular animal in some way.  This deepens the connection between you and your Spirit animal.
· Another way to gain messages from animals is to watch them in nature.  When you focus on doing this, the messages cascade in.  As you slow down and begin to observe animals in nature, messages from Spirit will start filtering through.  Be aware if there are unusual animals that come into your life (animals that aren’t usually in your area).
· If you’re in the city, wild animals can come to you in unusual ways eg. billboards, radio, inner journeys and dreams.
· Also be aware if animals around you are acting in an unusual way.
· Be still for a moment, perhaps close your eyes and imagine that the animal was talking to you, and ask:  if this animal had a message for me, what could it be?  You can do this even if it’s an animal on a billboard, because it’s an energy.  Trust those flashes that come to mind.  Thank your mind for the help, and even if you think that you’re making these thoughts up, go to that original flash – this is your gut response and there is a message.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

“Once you open your heart and soul for your Spirit animal to come, the messages will cascade in.” 

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