News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch:
Denise is excited since her friend’s goats have given birth, and she is going to add some baby goats to her own herd! Of course, she wants them to bond with their mothers until they’re weaned and then they can come over to Denise and bond with her for love, not food.
The Fairy Realm:
There is a wonderful, profound connection between us and the fairy realm that is necessary for igniting magic in our world; for igniting enchanted, creative, mystical energy. It adds a potency to our plants and flowers to have fairies there.
The fairy presence:
· Outside in nature, sometimes there’s a flickering light or a shadowy face in the tree – often those are fairies. Or sometimes there is a breeze and you feel you can hear voices in the wind. This may be a fairy. A tinkling that seems to sound like a little silver bell can indicate a fairy. If you get goosebumps or feel that someone’s walked behind you, you may be sensing a fairy. One of the common ways is through smell, eg. you’re outdoors and smell roses but there are no roses in the area.
· Denise came up with Meadow’s name when she and David were in Golden Gate Park and she sensed fairies in a section of a park that looked like a meadow.
· When Denise lived in Seattle , she would visit a friend who lived in an expensive home in a conglomerate of such houses. Denise never understood why she would have a sense of something being missing or not right when she visited. She later learned that the homeowners were forced to spray their property 4 times a year with toxic chemicals/pesticides – this eliminated the fairy presence.
Fairy facts:
· In every ancient and native culture, there are descriptions of fairies – people have seen, talked to, sometimes even feared fairies.
· There seems to have been a time when we had a deeper connection and communion with fairies, but with industrialization, and over time with moving into the paternalistic society rather than the maternalistic society, this changed.
· When you connect to the realm of fairies, the fruit on your trees will taste sweeter and your crops will be healthier and impact your cells in a more powerful way. This happens because when you connect to the fairy realm, that fairy realm begins to expand and it connects to the Spirit of your plants and trees. In doing that, it elicits a life force energy, and that life force energy will impact your body.
· When you use a lot of pesticides, the fairy realm retreats – there is disharmony with that.
To connect with the fairy realm:
· Springtime is an especially wonderful time to connect with the fairies.
· Pick a day when you’re not busy and spend some time in nature. Before you go out into nature, eat lightly – there is much more chance of finding a vibrational harmony if you’ve eaten living, organic foods (like raw veg) because the energy of the food goes into you and becomes a vibration. If you’ve eaten a hamburger, there won’t be a vibrational attraction.
· Eat a flower if you can – nibble on a rose petal or nasturtiums or have a salad with flowers in it. You can eat any kind of flower, but roses especially activate that vibration that is more to the vibration of the fairy realm.
· We seem to have almost lost that ability to connect with other realms because we tend to isolate ourselves from nature and our lives move so fast.
· Drink a lot of fluids. In any spiritual pursuit, the fluids help to hydrate the cells in one’s body, making them function optimally. There is a correspondence with your spiritual attunement – it’s much easier to travel across dimensions when you’re hydrated. If possible, drink spring water rather than tap water, especially if it has been bottled at source.
· If possible, wear clothes that have been washed in a natural, unscented detergent, not a perfumed detergent.
· Consider putting some essential oils on your skin/body – something that the fairies are attuned to, like plant or flower essential oils, flower essential oils are better, eg. rose, lavender.
· Although you can connect with the fairy dimension even indoors in the city, if you want to sense/feel them, it is necessary to go out in nature (especially in a natural/wild environment).
· As you approach the area, ask permission – “I’d like to connect with you. Is it alright to approach?” Wait to get a yes (you’ll know if it is a yes). You may get a no – perhaps it isn’t the right day or these aren’t the right fairies (some fairies aren’t very trusting).
· After you get a yes, walk slowly. Take in everything – the smells, the sights, the feeling, the earth. Keep your awareness expanded.
· Once you find the area you’re going to sit/be still, you can ask permission again – “Is it alright to enter into this area?” If it’s a no, don’t enter the area.
· Presuming that you get permission to enter into the area you’ve chosen, if there is anything there that is edible, put it in your mouth (NB. Make sure you know that it IS edible first!) eg. pine needle or rose petal. This creates a vibrational shift inside you so that you are attuned to that area. If nothing seems edible, hold something from the area in your hand.
· Find a spot to sit. You’re going to enter into a sort of meditation where your eyes are half open/half closed – you’re getting out of your conscious mind and your eyes have a different focus (much like when you’re looking at a 3-D pattern to find the hidden picture in it). Be still and say to yourself or even out loud: “I invite you. Please come.”
Other ways to invite the fairies:
· If it is a still day (not windy) and you’re able to go to a pond out in nature, take wind-chimes and sit by the water, ringing the chimes over the pond. Often, bubbles will start to rise and the water will start to ripple – it’s almost as if the song of the chimes is calling the Water Spirits/water fairies to the air. The chimes can also invite the Air Spirits to come if you do it with the intention of opening the gateway to the fairies.
· Fairies like songs and music. If you can play the flute and you do it with a full heart, they love that. You can even sing or hum to invite the fairies
If you want fairies in your garden:
· Leave one area wild where whatever decides to grow there is able to grow (this can even be a very small area)
· It is traditional to leave offerings for the fairies, so consider this – it can be fruit, hair or shiny things (fairies like shiny things, eg. crystals)
· Have shiny, sparkly things in you’re your garden like wind-chimes that bring movement and sparkles – this tends to attract fairies. It also makes the area feel a little more magical
Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:
“The more you think about fairies, the more you focus on them, this almost programs your brain to begin to recognize them.”
LOL, I hadn't listened to her show yet and I guess my eyes were tired so I thought you said her friend's GNATS had BABY GNATS and I thought "Wow Denise brings new depth to the love of animals!" And then I re-read it...
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Denise on her future herd family additions. And thank you for the fairy tips.
What a great idea for a blog!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward for the seven shows where she travelled to different past lives (Atlantis, Celts, Roman Empire, Native Americans, etc)!