Hello to all Denise's students, mentees, friends and fellow Soul Coaches. We all have one thing in common - we want to learn and apply what Denise Linn teaches.

"I believe that within each person is the ability to reach inside themselves to find long sought answers to life questions. I believe in the majesty of every individual and in my seminars I attempt to create a safe and sacred space where that majesty can unfold" ~ Denise Linn

May this cyber space be sacred, may every reader find answers and may the majesty within you unfold!

For more information about Denise, visit www.deniselinn.com or join her Facebook page www.facebook.com/DeniseLinn.author
Listen to her radio show live every Tuesday on www.hayhouseradio.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


News from Denise and Summerhill Ranch:

Denise is very glad to be back on Hay House Radio interacting with her listeners after having lost her voice last week.  Summerhill Ranch has become the local food bank for all the animals in the environment – they’re enjoying the fruit, the tomatoes and the zucchini to their heart’s content!

Quests and your Spirit name:

A Quest is taking time to be still and listen to the dictates of your soul; to understand why you’re here and what you’re meant to do; to listen to the voice of Spirit; to get clarity on your future and your future path – when to go forward and when to be still.  A Quest can be one of the most powerful events in your life.  Denise and her daughter, Meadow have just had their book, Quest, published by Hay House and it is now available. One of the things that can be done on a Quest is to discover your true Spirit name.

What is your Spirit name:

  In ancient cultures throughout the world, people had a name that was used, but they also had a Spirit name.  A Spirit name connected you to your soul and connected you to Spirit.  It was the name that was the same vibration as your essence.  Simply saying that name allowed you to connect with who you were in a deep and more powerful way.  It magnified your energy and your essence.  Often, in native cultures, to get your name, you would go on a Quest, and this was often at the time of puberty.  It was going out and beseeching Spirit, “What is my name?” and then watching the signs.

3 Reasons to find your Spirit Name:

· Having a Spirit name will magnify your vibration – we each have an innate frequency and an innate vibration and when you have a Spirit name, simply thinking/saying that name harmonizes your physical vibration with your spiritual frequency.  When you are in alignment like that, your life seems to flow with ease and synchronicity.
· Simply thinking/saying your Spirit name reinforces your true essence.  Our essence is who we are – it’s what calls us to Spirit and it’s what calls us into our destiny.  Sometimes this gets lost, but when you know your name, and you say it/feel it/write it down/collage it, it reinforces who you are.
· It reminds you of who you are – simply holding your Spirit name in your heart will call forth a memory of why you’re here.

What forms does a Spirit name come in:

· It can come in a sound.
· It can come in a foreign language – research the meaning if yours comes in this form.
· Often, your name will be a nature name because in the energy of nature is that natural ebbing and flowing of energy – it will be something from nature that epitomizes who you are eg.  Running Bear or Singing Moon.
· You will know that you have found your Spirit name because when you say it, you will feel so strong and powerful, and your whole body feels invigorated.  Sometimes you have to work with a name – try it for a while to realise that it’s not quite your Spirit name.  Your name may come in a revelation, but sometimes it comes in bits and pieces.  Trust the process.

The ways in which your Spirit name can come:

· Meditation – be still and listen to Spirit.  Still your mind and heart and ask:  “Who am I? What is my true name?”  Your name is the key to understanding who you are.
· Some people find their Spirit name by asking and then watching the signs.  Every moment the Universe is whispering to you in signs.  There is a myriad of signs around you no matter what you’re doing.  Be still and ask:  “If this sign had a message for me, what might it be?”  Especially watch things that come 3 times. 
· Sometimes finding your Spirit name will happen at once, and sometimes it may take a few days/weeks.
· It may not always come in signs from nature – it could even be from signs around you, such as billboards or seeing the same sign in various places.
· Go on a soul journey to meet the Namer and ask:  “What is my true name?”   You can also work with a soul coach to help you.
· Incubate your dreams for a name.  As you go to sleep, put out the call  - “Tonight my true name comes to me.”  Put a journal next to your bed and when you wake up the next morning, take notes.  If you hold the thought that you’re going to remember your dreams, you’re more likely to do so.  If you can wake up naturally instead of with an alarm clock, it’s easier to remember dreams.
· Experiment with sounds and words – brainstorm.  Notice when your energy goes up/down//is neutral.  When you say a particular sound and you feel strong, that might be the vibration of your name.  You could also get someone to do muscle testing on you or muscle test yourself.  Try different words/sounds/consonants.  There might be a group of syllables that make you feel really good, indicating that you’re very close to what your name is.
· Go on a Quest. Quests are about simply being still, and can be done in a few days in a place where there is no disturbance from life’s busyness (eg. phones, computers, TV, To-Do-Lists, etc.).  You may try it with food or without food.  Life seems to slow down and the messages and signs get louder.  The voice of Spirit gets louder.  Take about a week off – a little time to prepare for the Quest, 4 days of the Quest, and time after that.  This week can transform your life forever.
· Many people have visions while on a Quest, and this changes their lives.

Denise’s Wisdom of the Week:

  • “You never know what door that name [your Spirit name] is going to open.  You just put out the call and watch the signs.”
  • “When you know someone’s name [Spirit name], there’s a connection to them.”

Interesting Facts:

In native traditions, feathers connect us to Spirit.  In some traditions, people will wear a feather.  The idea is that Spirit can rise up through the feather and can bring blessings on us and our lives


  1. Love this and thank you for sharing! I think we are going to have a new All Hallows Eve tradition!

  2. Fantastic! And I love your name - "The Magickal Housewife"!
